Comomg’s Charity Items

August 19th, 2024

We sell charity goods based on the concept of “a green and joyful future for all children”.

Comomg is deeply related to “children,” “play,” and “trees,” and we have been working to raise their values indirectly through our business.
In the course of our activities, we have learned that there are people and communities in need of direct support, and we have decided to undertake this initiative.

When you purchase eligible items, a portion of the proceeds will be used for three purposes: to support children around the world, to donate wooden toys to children’s facilities, and to promote forest protection and greening.
Each item you receive will bring a smile to a child’s face.


■Click here for the charity items page■


■Charity Donguri-kinoko
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to support organizations that assist children around the world.

■Charity postcard
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to nursery schools and school children as wooden toys.

■Charity T-shirts
Forest protection and greening promotion (a portion of sales is donated to support organizations and used for greening campaigns)



